Critical Reflection on 'Skills on Wheels'

I have completed both "Handle Face-to-Face Interview" and "Manage Conflicts" modules with a 100% score. Being an undergraduate who is entering the working world, "Handle Face-to-Face Interview" module allows me to pick up interview skills to communicate effectively with the interviewer. Personally, "Manage Conflicts" module will aid me in managing interpersonal relationships, which will also allow me to grow as an individual. 

Handle Face-to-Face Interview Module: 
The What?
In preparation to the eight months internship starting in May 2019, I was scheduled for an interview at "A" Company on 30 January 2019 at 11am. The office was a ten-minutes walk from Ubi MRT station. I was interviewed by Mr "X", Account Director, who has worked in the company for close to seven years. 

So What?
Due to my unfamiliarity of Ubi area, it took me some time before i located the company. Thankfully, I arrived prior to the interview and that gave me ample time to calm my nerves. 
Due to my nervousness, I started to stutter and repeat my words during the interview. It affected my word of speech as I found it difficult to convey my thoughts into proper words and sentences. Despite the panic, I was able to take a deep breath and reconsolidate my thoughts before continuing with the interview. 

Now What?
It is important to arrive early for the interviews in case of transportation hiccups as well as buffer time to calm one down prior to the interview. In my situation, arriving early has allowed me to identify the location which i was unfamiliar of. 
In addition, the module has highlighted the importance of pre-interview preparation. Aside from detailed research on the company, job and industry, several rehearsals could have been done with a peer of mine. Practice makes perfect and it will help to better prepare myself for the interview.

Manage Conflicts Module: 
The What? 
Prior to University, I participated as a volunteer for National Day Parade 2017. There were three departments; Operations, Administrative and Logistics. I was the Administrative Assistant In-charge. The event stakeholders included company staff and army personnel, whom we worked with to manage the volunteers for the event. 

So What?
During the planning phase, I was persistent of using QR code for registration. However, one of my committee members felt that it would have been better to do manual registration. That resulted in a minor conflict as we could not agree into terms. It created a tense atmosphere as we felt awkward to talk to each other afterwards. I was upset with her and also at myself, for not managing my emotions well.

Now What?
In future similar situations, I would apply the S.H.R.I.N.K concept for conflict management. 
State what you have observed - I would use previous registration experiences to support my explanation
Hold on for a response - Instead of pushing and being persistent, I should stay calm and see how my friend would respond to my explanation 
Remind the other person of the goal - The aim is to facilitate and speed up the registration process 
Ideate solutions together - We could have compromised with each other and come up with an practical solution 
Nail down the action plan  - Both QR code and manual registration could be used, in case of technical glitch
Keep track - Observe the pros and cons of each method used during event 

In conclusion, Skills on Wheels has provided me with the opportunity to reflect on myself. It allowed me to review on my strengths and areas of improvements. The videos in the application were useful learning tools. 


  1. Thanks a million, Shu, for this detailed overview of how your immediate communication needs align with content in the two modules you studied in Skills on Wheels (SOW). It's impressive that you can find a way to integrate your learning from the modules with real life needs. You've illustrated that beautifully.

    In terms of the review of mode of learning, I only wonder if there was any negative aspect to doing so via the online modules?

    1. Hi Brad,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      In terms of the mobile application, I feel that the quiz section could be further improved. When students answer the questions wrongly, the application allows us to check on the correct answer. However, I think it will be good to add a short explanation of the correct answer so that students will have a better understanding of the topic.


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